Legionella bacterium is commonly found in natural and man made aquatic environments. Legionella bacteria can possibly be found in any municipal water system. Legionella poses a health risk when the bacteria proliferates in warm stagnant water, and if the water is aerosolized and the droplets are inhaled. Legionella generally does not pose a health risk if a person drinks the water. When a person inhales or aspirates droplets containing the legionella bacterium they can get a serious lung infection known as Legionnaires’ disease or an infection known as Pontiac fever. Legionnaires’ disease has symptoms similar to pneumonia and can be fatal; while Pontiac fever is a milder infection that typically gets better without the need for medical intervention.
Small amounts of Legionella bacteria can grow in untreated or stagnant systems and can lead to an outbreak of legionnaires disease. Legionella can be found in both hot and cold water.
There are several elements that can promote the growth of Legionella bacteria in potable water including:
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